The AstroWellbeing guide to Mars Retrograde

Is this thing still on?

Hi, folks! I’m back with new mojo and a new website. What do you think? The header image makes me laugh and think of the friend who made it for me.

Have you all been feeling a drain on your energies lately? Since about Mid-June? That’s because Mars is about to go retrograde.

What does it mean when a planet goes retrograde?

Mars rx composite photo from NASA
NASA – Astronomy Picture of the Day – retrograde Mars

From the earth, if we look up in the sky and watch the motion of the planets against the backdrop of the stars, we usually observe them moving in one direction. Occasionally, every celestial body except the Sun and the Moon will appear to slow down in its orbit, stop, and then go backward, or retrograde, for a period of time.

Mars Retrograde happens every other year and lasts for approximately 70 to 80 days.

Planets in retrograde lose steam, clarity, and direction. Mars is the planet of war, fighting, new beginnings, and the act of sex. When Mars is retrograde, there’s a persistent feeling of paddling upstream.

Mars retrograde basics

  • New projects and plans initiated now are likely to stall or not develop as expected.
  • Our energy levels will be lower.
  • Accidents and arguments from impulsive actions and unrecognized anger will flare.
  • Health problems from stress that’s internalized are also much more likely during this time.

Most of us have seen the images showing the awesome and devastating volcanic eruption taking place in Hawaii. That’s what happens to each of us during this part of Mars’ cycle. Stuff that’s underground, under great pressure breaks through to the surface and spills out. That’s why some folks will explode with frustration and make very poor decisions now, responding with violence and anger instead of patience and dialogue– especially when Mars makes stressful aspects . Here are the relevant dates:

  • Mars retrograde  June 26 – August 28
  • Retrograde Mars conjunct the South node  ~July 11-18
  • Retrograde Mars square Uranus  ~July 24-August 1.
  • Whatever’s going on in your life during these stressful times, you’ll have a better handle on it when Mars revisits these aspects in the third week of September.

Physical health

In the body, Mars rules body heat, the fight-or-flight response, the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood (which depends on iron– ruled by Mars), the immune response, adrenal function, and inflammation. Internalized stress will be a major drag on health during these two months, making effective coping strategies important for all of us. This is a terrific time to work on replacing unhealthy coping patterns, such as smoking cigarettes, eating nutrient-poor food, and drinking alcohol with healthier habits like eating nutritious food (start with breakfast), meditating, and staying well-hydrated.

Mars represents your physical vitality and strength— and this is time to gather your strength, and reinforce your position, rather than burn up your reserves. Everybody is more tired and has less energy to work with, especially those with birth chart placements in Aries and Scorpio.

Accidents and injuries, especially due to fatigue or distraction, are more common. Be careful on the sports field, in the kitchen, on the road, and in the workshop, especially on the days listed above.

Inflammation is a major manifestation of Mars. As this year’s retrograde takes place mostly in Aquarius, the ankles, blood vessels, and nervous system are the most vulnerable. Inflamed blood vessels are often due to a diet rich in processed carbohydrates and/or food allergens (the most common are gluten, dairy, and soy). This situation is often called systemic inflammation, and symptoms can show up anywhere in the body. Painful joints, digestive troubles, asthma/allergies, even neurological symptoms like depression, irritability, confusion, or poor memory.

Emotional health

Mars retrograde intensifies and concentrates the Mars energy while directing it inward. Thus, we all tend to be harder on ourselves. Look back at the past for insights into yourself. But try not to beat yourself up, or take your frustration out on others. Don’t define yourself by the worst thing you have ever done (even if other people do). Love and compassion toward your own human-ness open the door for you to unburden yourself of old resentments toward others, too.

Ask for help– and reach out to others who may be struggling through this difficult period, too.

Personal & professional health

Mars represents strength— and this is time to gather your strength and reinforce your position, rather than burn up your reserves.

Anything new that is postponed during Mars retrograde is probably for the better. Everyone will have less energy to work with; remember that when you feel like demanding service or conditions to change immediately.

Most of the conflicts and challenges that appear during Mars retrograde will be temporary— that’s why you need to keep focused on the big picture and the philosophy of what you are doing.

Things don’t go as fast as we want them to during Mars retrograde. The better use of this time is to wait, plan and accept compromises. Delays and detours may turn out to be valuable, as you discover something of worth along the way. This is an excellent time to go back over recent developments in your life with the aim of updating your goals and methods, as significant adjustments made now can improve your chances in the future.

This is the time to germinate seeds, to work out the details and actions of something that will begin (be planted) after the retrograde period ends.

How is your Mars retrograde going? Leave a comment below to share your story.

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5 Responses

  1. How’d Molly! Thank you for the Mars update. Yes I have been feeling a bit sluggish since mid-June and I blamed it on the Texas heat. I think your new fun website header is an eye catcher. Question: Is it a good idea to clean the liver when Mars is in retrograde? Mars being the ruler of the liver (R. Bills, 1971) Happy healthy Mars retrograde trails. ~Barbwire~

    1. Hi Barbie! Welcome and thanks for your comment!!

      I double-checked Rex Bills’ book (The Rulership Book) and he gives rulership of the liver to Jupiter. Mars is mentioned in parentheses, so there is some connection there. Maybe it’s because an impaired liver can give you a nasty headache and an angry disposition! I speak from experience there, lol.

      There are a lot of liver cleansing protocols out there, and some are better than others. Some methods are harsh, and some can do more harm than good. It all depends on what kind of toxins you’re dealing with, how clear the rest of your digestive tract is, and how much stress your system can handle at one time. So, without knowing the individual details of your case, I can’t really say whether I would recommend it or not. Detox can be a real energy drain, so be careful with it!!

  2. Love the header image! It’s a cracker!

    I just decided yesterday to quit caffeine for a month to see how I cope – let’s just say I’m feeling it in my energy levels and the effects are swift and awful…. I hope things improve before the end of the]is transit ?

    1. Thanks Katy! It’s good to see you here.
      I’m feeling lots of empathy for you, as I fall apart when I miss my daily coffee or tea. Swift and awful is right!

      Caffeine causes a release of cortisol from the adrenals, which raises your blood sugar and gives you that boost. So be kind to your adrenals while you are in withdrawal, so they can kick in naturally without that “kick” from coffee. Vitamin C and magnesium are the most important nutrients for the adrenal glands. B vitamins can also support healthy energy levels.

      And if it’s getting too rough, don’t forget you can always taper off of caffeine. It would be much easier than going cold turkey, especially during this low energy astrology. Good luck!!!

      1. Thanks for the good advice! It’s funny, I normally take magnesium in the morning and yesterday I forgot until the late afternoon and I felt worse yesterday in day 3 than the previous day. Took my Mg this morning and may take another this afternoon if required ??

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