Molly’s Astrology for August 2012

Mercury is still retrograde until August 8— Caution lights are still flashing around communications, travel, scheduling. Leave room for delays and expect to deal with repairs and logistical issues. Mercury stations (changes direction) in early Leo, and we have reason to revisit an idea, project, message, or situation that was last on the front burner in late June, when Mercury first crossed this degree.

Chiron sextile Pluto

Chiron, the wounded healer archetype, in mystical, intuitive, emotional, compassionate Pisces, forms a sextile with Pluto in practical, enterprising, ambitious Capricorn, exact in early September. The sextile represents opportunity to blend these forces to move toward an important goal. Efforts you make and work you initiate, especially to improve your health, carry the healing energy of this sextile.

Chiron relates to the consciousness of our physical bodies. This is a good time to work with your kinesthetic sense, your mind-body connection. Relaxation exercises, body awareness, Alexander Technique, muscle testing are all ways of tapping in. Let your body inform you of the right foods, medicines, activities, and courses of action for you. Chiron represents pain that we have to go through in order to feel better. Chiron in Pisces is good for detox, and may bring to your awareness toxic habit patterns for clearing and release. Pay attention! This sextile is exact in early September, and is in force through most of August. The final pass is in April 2013, making that a potential target date for goals you are working on now.

August 12-18, Mars conjoins Saturn in Libra. Mars Saturn is a frustrating combination— the planet of “go” meets the planet of “stop.” It’s like having one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. So be extra careful on the road and in other potentially dangerous situations.

In the midst of all that, August 13-15,Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto and squares Uranus, tapping into the revolutionary energy of the Uranus-Pluto square that first perfected in June. Relationships are subject to surprises and sudden shifts. In matters of the heart, you must be willing to see the truth— see the game for what it is, even if it hurts! Then you can decide from a centered, honest place, if you want to keep playing it. The following week, things should fall into place.

Mars moves from Libra, sign of its detriment to Scorpio, the sign it rules, on August 23. Scorpio’s intensity and desire is much more comfortable territory for Mars. Folks are less talk and more action, more decisive, and less likely to dither or dance around the issue.

New doors open as Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune, and the Virgo Sun aspects both planets the 20-25th. We should see folks becoming less inhibited and more willing to act decisively. Follow your gut. Do something to be a positive force in someone else’s life, even if it’s only in a small way. Here’s a window of opportunity to ask for what you want, and help others get what they want.

Mark your calendar!

Best days for your top priority plans are August 1, 8, 9, 17, 18, 22-25, 29.
Take it easy August 13-15.

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