Bookmark this page!! And make use of this astrology & Moon calendar as often as you like. Moon signs, Moon VOC, retrogrades, and planetary aspects.
Get this calendar on your favorite devices, in your local time zone.
Calendars for astrology lovers at all levels, from seeking guidance to professional astrologer.
Navigate the year with ease. Color-coded emojis show the general vibe. Click any event for the bite-sized forecast.
Download our free monthly calendar. Simple color codes make it easy to navigate each quarter.
Bookmark this free astrology & Moon calendar! And come back often.
Page forward in the calendar to plan your upcoming weeks. You can track Lunar cycles, Moon signs, and Moon void of course. Let the planetary aspects and retrogrades guide you as you plan your most important activities and appointments.
Get the digital astrology calendar that adjusts to your time zone, no matter where you live. It loads right into your iOS Calendar, Google Calendar, Outlook, or other compatible scheduling software. Bonus printables include the popular “Green means go” color-coded astrology forecast for all 12 months of the year.
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© 2025 Molly C. Gauthier